RACI Matrix

Prevention plan

Description Proc. Officer Tech. Officer Contractor

Prepare the Prevention Plan (PP), identifying specific risks, and submit a draft version to the contractor.

Ideally, the PP should be signed one month before the start of the contract.

CERN is responsible of the Safety of every person working on its site. In this respect, CERN has the obligation to ensure the Safety coordination of activities.

The technical officer should seek support from HSE Unit when necessary, especially for specific matters such as radiation protection, asbestos etc. or for any help about the preparation of the PP.

See HSE Unit website for more information on applicable Safety rules, available trainings etc.

Use the template available in CERN’s Safety forms website.

Each technical officer should have identified and understood the risks related to the performance of the services, and answer the questions “what”, “who”, “how”, “when”. This includes consideration of risks related to CERN site, co-activity and the performance of the services.

The PP shall be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. Please refer to section “Safety coordination” for further details.


Complete the PP, including in particular risk mitigation actions, and submit it to the technical officer.


Review and draft the document, in coordination with CERN’s HSE Unit.


Submit the final version of the PP to the technical officer for approval.


Approve the PP and upload it in EDMS. The PP shall be signed before the start of activites on the CERN site.

Legal obligation: the PP shall be signed before the start of any work.


Distribute the PP to all members of the CERN team for work supervision, make one (paper) copy available to anyone concerned, request written confirmation from the contractor that the PP has been duly distributed and presented to the contractor’s personnel.


File the PP.