Documents: Key Reference Documents

General Conditions applicable at CERN

Title File
General Conditions of CERN Contracts (CERN/FC/6674-II) EN, FR
General Conditions of CERN Contracts (CERN/FC/6211-II) EN, FR
General Conditions for CERN Invitations to Tender (CERN/FC/6674-I) EN, FR
General Conditions for CERN Invitations to Tender (CERN/FC/6211-I) EN, FR
Working on the CERN site (EN/FR) Read

Selection and Adjudication Criteria

Title File
Selection and Adjudication Criteria for Supply Contracts Read
Selection and Adjudication Criteria for Service Contracts Read
Selection and Adjudication Criteria for Supply Contracts in case of Limited Tendering Read

VAT and Invoicing Guide, Packing and delivery instructions

Title File
VAT and Invoicing Guide (EN) Read
Guide de TVA et facturation (FR) Read