RACI Matrix

Joint inspection visits / Visites d’inspection commune – Work contracts only

Description Tech. Officer Contractor

For work contracts, upon creation of an “IMPACT” request form, should the technical officer consider that a “Visite d’Inspection Commune” (VICs) is necessary, perform the “Visite d’Inspection Commune” (“VIC”).

The VIC shall involve at least:

  • The technical officer,
  • CERN’s Territorial Safety Officer (TSO),
  • The contractor’s contractual representative,
  • The contractor’s Safety officer,
  • CERN radiation protection services, if required.

Presence of CERN HSE Unit representative is not mandatory as such, to be decided on a case by case basis.

When the contractor is expected to access a high number of CERN facilities during the performance of the contract, the visit should focus on CERN’s strategic buildings in terms of Safety.

The VICs may be performed during the execution of the contract, before each start of work.


Draft the report of VIC in “IMPACT” (refer to the VIC section available in the “IMPACT” form). Submit it to the contractor.


Sign the report of VIC.