RACI Matrix

Draft the minutes of kick-off meeting

Description Proc. Officer Tech. Officer Contractor

Draft the minutes of the kick-off meeting, submit it to the procurement officer.

A template “Contract kick-off meeting report” can be found in procurement templates.


Review the minutes of the kick-off meeting and submit commented version to the technical officer. 


Finalise and submit the minutes of the kick-off meeting to the contractor, with copy to the technical officer.


File the minutes of the kick-off meeting (both paper and electronic format) in the document management system (EDMS is applicable).

Use of EDMS (applicable for all contracts requiring strict document management).

The overall goal and purpose of the EDMS is to provide CERN with leading-edge engineering and equipment data management capabilities. This implies providing a set of advanced information systems but also the development and the formalization of methodologies and procedures for the engineering and equipment data management processes of CERN.

The EDMS ensures that engineering, equipment data as well as documentation for projects and installations are safeguarded, organized, verified and remain retrievable on a long-term basis. For CERN with project lifecycles of the order of 25-40 years it is essential to maintain controlled quality documentation since in many projects one generation of engineers and scientists builds the machine while the succeeding generation operates and maintains it.

Here, the CERN EDMS plays a key role as a tool enabling engineering knowledge transfer between generations - a knowledge transfer that is possible only by imposing standards and common methods of managing engineering and equipment information.

Further information can be found here.