RACI Matrix

Work outside normal working hours

Description Tech. Officer Contractor

In case of work at CERN outside of CERN normal working hours (from 19h00 to 7h00 or during week-ends or bank holidays), where applicable, ask French (DIRECCTE) or Swiss (OCIRT, SECO) authorities, as applicable, authorization to work outside normal working hours.

Tip: Work outside of normal working hours is authorized only for Safety or technical reasons. Delay in Contractor’s planning is not an acceptable justification for the host states authorities.


Submit for approval “work notification” / “avis d’exécution de travaux en dehors de la plage horaire admise comme horaire normal” five working days at the latest before the start of work.

Tip: The template of work notification can be found here.
Ask head of Security service (Didier Constant) for further information.


Approve (and sign) or reject “work notification” / “avis d’exécution de travaux en dehors de la plage horaire admise comme horaire normal”.


When approved, submit the signed “work notification” / “avis d’exécution de travaux en dehors de la plage horaire admise comme horaire normal” to CERN security services with the technical officer and CERN Fire and Rescue service in copy, at the latest 48 hours before the intervention.