Who to Contact in Your Country

Industrial Liaison Officers (ILO's) are appointed by CERN's Member States to facilitate the flow of communication between CERN and its suppliers. ILO's can provide advice on the opportunities available for doing business with CERN and the support available to firms in their local regions.

[🔝] Austria

[🔝] Belgium

[🔝] Brazil *

[🔝] Bulgaria

[🔝] Cyprus *

[🔝] Czech Republic

[🔝] Denmark

[🔝] Estonia

[🔝] Finland

[🔝] France

[🔝] Germany

[🔝] Greece

[🔝] Hungary

[🔝] India *

[🔝] Israel

[🔝] Italy

[🔝] Latvia *

[🔝] Lithuania *

[🔝] Netherlands

[🔝] Norway

[🔝] Pakistan **

[🔝] Poland

[🔝] Portugal

[🔝] Romania

[🔝] Serbia

[🔝] Slovak Republic

[🔝] Slovenia *

[🔝] Spain

[🔝] Sweden

[🔝] Switzerland

[🔝] Turkey **

[🔝] Ukraine **

[🔝] United Kingdom